Academic Senate Deliberates on Future of Higher Education

May 14, 2018

Members of the 肉肉传媒 Academic Senate are busy wrapping up the spring semester, but today, with classes complete and caps and gowns stowed away, they'll discuss the future of 肉肉传媒 in the higher education landscape during a four-hour retreat on Monday, May 14 in the Bulmer Telecommunications Center.

Their discussions will follow research of the Kettering Foundation's National Issue Forum publication, "What Should We Ask of Higher Education," which provides both a general critique of higher education and three perspectives on the future. Small and large groups will focus on important topics such as Preparing Students for the Job Market, Leadership and Change, and Building Strong Communities.

The Academic Senate is the college's governing body of faculty, administration, staff and students, which meets monthly to examine and resolve issues pertaining to the academic life of the college. Seventy percent of the members of the Senate are full-time teaching faculty or department chairs elected by their constituents. Other elected senators include adjunct faculty, non-teaching professionals, classified staff and students.

A summary of the retreat discussions will help inform how the college envisions its future as one of the key educational institutions in the Capital Region.

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