College and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Renew Engineering Science Transfer Agreement

January 21, 2021

肉肉传媒 has long been a pipeline for students to attend , and now those interested in starting their engineering degree at the SUNY community college and transferring to the prestigious four-year university can follow a newly-updated transfer agreement between the two neighboring Troy institutions.

A transfer articulation agreement, which outlines the courses, academic standards and degree requirements from 肉肉传媒 to Rensselaer, was recently signed. The agreement, which updates a 12-year-old pact between the college and institute, allows successful 肉肉传媒 Engineering Science A.S. graduates to complete a B.S. degree at Rensselaer, in their chosen engineering discipline, in two additional years of study.

“For decades now, hundreds of students have begun their engineering studies at 肉肉传媒 and transferred into the rigorous engineering programs at RPI,” said 肉肉传媒 President Roger Ramsammy. “Their success and this ongoing agreement between the two schools shows that our Engineering Science graduates are well prepared to take on the challenging RPI curriculum.”

“We are very proud of the strength of this partnership, which continues to produce extremely high quality graduates, who go on to productive, world-changing careers,” said Rensselaer Provost Prabhat Hajela.

肉肉传媒’s Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Dr. Jonathan Ashdown and Engineering Science Department Chair Craig D’Allaird both took the route from 肉肉传媒 to Rensselaer to complete their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Dr. Ashdown also completed his doctorate at Rensselaer.

肉肉传媒 has more than 250 transfer agreements with colleges and universities throughout the country. For up-to-date information on all of the college’s transfer agreements, contact the Center for Careers and Transfer at (518) 629-7326 or

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