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Name Information
Haarer, E Shawn
肉肉传媒 High School Program
Eng,Arch,Const,CompSci & Math
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60841)BTC244
Habib, John
Part Time Ed Spec/Librarian
Learning Centers
Habib, Sohair F.
Assistant Professor/Educational Specialist
Learning Centers
Hagelthorn, Rhonda L.
Temporary Services
Haji-Georgi, Maria
Education and Social Sciences
Halacy, Deborah N.
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Hall, Carly S.
Nursing & Surgical Technology
Hall, Keenan
Environmental Health and Safety Technician
Environmental Health and Safety
Hall, Ronald M.
Campus Security Officer
Public Safety and Security
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60623)CTR170
Hall, Thomas C.
Student Attorney Rep.
FSA Student Senate
Hallenbeck, Lori A.
肉肉传媒 Contract Course Instruct
Hallenbeck, Shawn H.
Building Maintenance Worker
Maintenance Department
Hamilton, James C.
Applied Technologies
Hamm, Gabriele M.
Associate Professor
Dental Hygiene
Hammond, Carol J.
Professor/Educational Specialist
Learning Centers
Haney III, Robert
Payroll Supervisor
Comptroller's Office
Hanley, Christopher J.
Adjunct Faculty
High School Programs
Hanlon, Armenouhie
Part Time Faculty
Nursing & Surgical Technology
Hannah, Amanda
Part Time Faculty
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Hannmann, Patricia W.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hansen, Jessica
Mazzone Food Service Worker
FSA Foodservice
Hansen, Kathy
EOC Office Operations
Harden, Brian
PT Instr. Support Assistant
Learning Centers
Harms, Cynthia L.
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Mathematics
Harrington, Donald C.
Harris, Alonda
EOC Part Time Faculty
EOC Cosmetology
Harris, Jason
Campus Peace Officer Trainee
Public Safety and Security
Harris, Michelle
Digital Communications Specialist
Communications & Marketing
Hart, John L.
Assistant Professor
Medical Imaging
Hart, Mary K.
Computing and Information Sciences
Harter, Paul R.
Student Services Specialist
Financial Aid
Hartshorn, Richard W.
Part Time Faculty
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Harvazinski, Mary C.
Dental Hygiene
Hassib, Lamyaa E.
Honors College Director
Honors College
Hatch, Kimberly A.
Temporary Services
Hathaway, Scott M.
Professor and Department Chair
Fine Art, Theatre Arts, and Digital Media
Hatter, Erin M.
Coordinator of Operations
Instructional and Information Technology
Haverly, David L.
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Department
Hawana, Walid A.
Part Time Faculty
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60216)GUN231
Hayden, Nicole
Program Assistant
Student Activities
Haydock, Patricia A.
Hayes, Ethan J.
Graphics & Printing Specialist
Hayner, Terri A.
Senior Account Clerk
Non-Credit State Aid Offerings
Haynes, Kathleen F.
Education and Social Science
Hazard, Brenda L.
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Healy, Gayle A.
Dean of Student Development
Center for Careers and Transfer
Heaslip, Graham P.
Info Tech. Specialist
Instructional and Information Technology
Hebert, Aaron M.
Head eSports Coach
Athletic Department
Hebert, Cynthia
Daycare Director
FSA Daycare
Hecht, Julie M.
Part Time Faculty
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60274)GUN231
Heckelman, Donald D.
Math and Engineering Science
Heeney, Kelsie A.
Mazzone Food Service Woker
FSA Foodservice
Heflin, Victoria
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Heidinger, Jennifer
College Nurse
College Health Services
Heim, Richard A.
Part Time Faculty
Business & Criminal Justice
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60151)BRN117
Heiser, John M.
Graphics and Photography
Heller, Scott B.
Part Time Faculty
Cardiorespiratory and Emergency Medicine
Hemsworth, Robert W.
Part Time Faculty
Business & Criminal Justice
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60230)AMZ218
Henck, Colin A.
Part Time Faculty
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60102)SCI355
Hengsterman, Richard E.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Henk, John
Instructional and Information Technology
Henley, Roseanne P.
Budget and Finance Manager
EOC Office Operations
Henvill, Louanna
Bookstore Receiving Manager
FSA Bookstore
Herald, Dominic C.
Custodial Supervisor I
Physical Plant Office
Herbert, Jesse
Adjunct Faculty
Computer Science & Mathematics
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60410)BTC240
Herlt, Mary A.
Herrington, Jeffrey P.
Senior Engineering Technician
Capital Construction
Hetman, Lonette M.
Technical Assistant
Testing and Orientation
Hewitt, Rebecca L.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hill, Penny C.
Acctng Entrepreneurship Mrktg
Hill, Robert H.
Part Time Faculty
Dental Hygiene
Hindes, Janice M.
Liberal Arts & General Studies
Hitchcock, Judith A.
Hockaday, Bobby
Public Safety and Security
Hodgkins, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
Education and Social Sciences
Hoefs, Kenneth
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Department
Hoegemann, Karl A.
Laboratory Assistant
Eng, Arch & Manufacturing
Hoff-Haynes, Susan
EOC Academic Programs
Hoffman, Kathaleen M.
Part Time Faculty
Biology, Chemistry and Physics
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60087)FTZ313
Hoffman, Robert S.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hoffman, Sarah E.
肉肉传媒 Contract Course Instructor
Hogan, Susan J.
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Holland, Rachel
Coordinator of Accessibility
Center for Access & Assistive Tech
Hollister, Michael A.
Sr Computer Programmer Analyst
Instructional and Information Technology
Holmewood, Geoffrey
Honovic, Daniel S.
Assistant Professor
Applied Technologies
Honsinger, Donna
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Honsinger, Timothy C.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
Hornick, Daniel
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Howard, Lauren M.
Part Time Faculty
Medical Imaging
Howarth, Joshua L.
Custodial Worker
Custodial Department
Howarth, Randy M.
Associate Professor
Applied Technologies
Howe, Matthew W.
Associate Dean
Howe, Monica M.
Part Time Faculty
Medical Imaging
Howe, Nancy B.
Education and Social Sciences
Howe, Timothy A.
Adjunct Faculty
Automotive, Manufacturing and Electrical Engineering Technologies
Howe, Timothy J.
Eng, Arch & Manufacturing
Hower, Jennifer
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hoyt, Justin R.
Director of Athletics
Athletic Dept-ADM
Hsia, Tien-Hui S.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Huba, Lynda
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hubbard, Sarah
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Huck, Lauryn N.
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Department
Hughes, Elizabeth M.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hughes, Meredith L.
肉肉传媒 Consultants
Hughes, Monica
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hull, Liesl
Adjunct Faculty
Dental Hygiene
Hunsinger, Arthur T.
Television Production
Video Services
Hunt, Thomas W.
Acctng Entrepreneurship Mrktg
Hunter, Rae R.
Senior Counselor
EOC Student Support Services
Hunziker, Shawn W.
Adjunct Faculty
Education and Social Sciences
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60069)HGB109
Hurd, Michael C.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hurd, Nancy L.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hurley-Dyer, Patricia M.
肉肉传媒 High School Program
Business & Criminal Justice
(518) 629-8088 (Voicemail 60041)BRN220
Hurteau, Scott D.
Payroll Clerk
Comptroller's Office
Hutchison, Sandra L.
Part Time Faculty
English, Foreign Lang & ESL
Hutson, Larry Todd
肉肉传媒 High School Program
High School Programs
Hyland, Michael V.
Part Time Faculty Comm/Prof Ed
Cardiorespiratory and Emergency Medicine
Hyland, Patricia G.
肉肉传媒 AMC Staff